
15 Good Morning Thoughts For a Great Day

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I talk a lot about keeping a positive attitude on this blog. I feel it is very essential for living for the better. Good morning thoughts are a great way to start your day on the right foot.

A positive mindset is something you can choose to have at any time of the day, but the easiest way to have one is starting your day with good morning thoughts.

When you wake up and welcome the new day with a smile and a good morning thought, you are opening your life up to the blessings of great things to come. Even if you stub your toe, drop the entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet, or lose the match to your favorite pair of socks; you can still start your day out with a positive affirmation or quote to change the tone of the morning.

I Don’t Wake Up Every Morning Happy Bright Eyed, and Bushy Tailed

I know it is hard to believe and I admit that some mornings are harder to be happy about than others. If I stayed up late doing research or writing, then my alarm is not a welcome sound in the morning. When I catch myself starting the day offGood Morning Thoughts on the wrong foot, I instantly try to change my mood for the better. After all, my morning will only snowball into trouble if I don’t change my attitude as fast as I can.

I am sure you have heard it before: like attracts like. If we start our day off in a not-so-good mindset, then we are attracting more things to not like into our lives. Knowing how to attract the right things and having the best attitude we can is the key to a happier life and living for the better.

What is my go-to exercise to stop the morning blues?

I have a notebook on my night stand that I keep all of my thoughts in. I use the same notebook as a gratitude journal, my dream journal, and my morning positive quotes. If I cannot come up with something good to think about when I first wake up, then I always refer to my notebook. Give it a try for yourself. I speak more about keeping a gratitude diary in this earlier post.

When I come across a quote that I love or even get a fortune from a cookie that just resonates, I write in down in my notebook. I have all the things I feel grateful for inside the pages of my notebook and yes… I also have my Love Stone on the night stand to look at and fill my head with thoughts of gratitude.

15 Good Morning Thoughts From My Notebook

I am going to list my top 15 favorite good morning thoughts from my notebook for you to have. I have collected these quotes and sayings over the years. It is going to be hard for me to chose just 15, so I might sneak one or two more in there before this post is over. lol

  1. Today is the best day to try to do better.
  2. Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.Gratitude Diary
  3. Be magnanimous, be trustful, be hopeful, and be patient.
  4. You will be receiving some good news very soon.
  5. Good Morning Sunshine.
  6. Life was so good yesterday and I know today will be better than that. For everyday is getting better and better.
  7. I have lots of sugar, so where are all the lemons.
  8. Today is the best day to get that thing done.
  9. Every day, I get more healthy, wealthy, and wise.
  10. “Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.”– Og Mandingo

  11. “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” – Micheal Jordan
  12. “Funny is am attitude” – Flip Wilson
  13. “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar
  14. “Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” – Mark Twain
  15. “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

There you have it. My list of 15 good morning quotes and phrases that you can use to help get your morning going in the right direction. I really recommend that you get a notebook and write down these and any other positive statements you come up with.

Good Practices and Fun Things To Do

If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or put hand soap on your toothbrush, then walk straight over to your list and start reading it out loud to yourself. Have fun with your practice. Make a little dance out of the statements because when your body moves, your brain grooves – Jim Kwik.

Dancing like a fool when no one is watching is a great way to bring a smile to your face. It helps my wife have a better day too when she catches me shaking my booty to the short song I wrote about number 7 in the list. The words are always changing, but the beat and the booty shaking is always the same. 🙂

I hope you make your own list, create your own dances, and find your own way to be grateful and happy in the morning. How you start your day really does have am effect on the rest of your day. Remember that “what you resist will always persist” – Carl Jung

Don’t Give Up. Yet, Don’t Resist

If your morning just keeps going in the wrong direction and it seems your attitude is being pushed to the limits, remember these words by Carl Jung. Maybe resistance is not the answer to your problem. Go with the flow and see what great place it brings you to by the end of the day or the end of the week.

Remember that every cloud has a silver lining. You just need to look for it. I could keep going with all the great proverbs and sayings that I have adopted in my life, but you need to search out your own and adopt the ones that mean the most to you. Write then down in your journal and reflect on them anytime you need to.

==>I would love to hear your experiences, questions, and thoughts about this subject, so please feel free to leave a comment below. I normally respond within 24 hours. Feel free to share this information with anyone you think will benefit from it. Talk with you later, Greg<==

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12 thoughts on “15 Good Morning Thoughts For a Great Day”

  1. Greg,

    This is a much needed post for me. I have been having another episode of feeling down. So your 15 good morning thoughts are great reminders for me.

    My favorite is “My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” – Micheal Jordan

    People in my family, my circle of friendship, the community around me are mostly kind and have always been such great supporters. The big enemy here is me, myself. I point out my own weaknesses and so they make me down. Luckily, I don’t go to a self-destruct mode. Thanks to a friend like you who shared this kind of uplifting post. Very helpful and timely! I really appreciate it!

    • Hi Ferra,
      That is what we are here for, to lift each other up when we feel down. When we project gratitude into the universe, it is felt by all of us through the collective conscious. WE help each other by sending good vibes out and when you do, they ripple back magnified.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Such an uplifting post. I’m glad I stumbled upon this on a Monday!

    My favourite is “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

    I’ve always had a notion to post inspirational quotes on my room, I need to add a few of these to the list.

    • Hi Sharon?
      Isn’t it great how just reading something uplifting shifts our mood for the better. This along with gratitude is something we should not take for granted.

  3. Another uplifting post by a genuine light worker! Whenever I read your posts Greg, I always take something positive away with it and it always makes my day! Thanks for being you man! I was actually looking for new and fresh affirmations. Thanks for sharing!

  4. My mornings have been especially tough lately (personal reasons I’ll keep to myself). This post is very encouraging and inspiring.

    That’s something I could certainly use right now I’ve bookmarked your post for future reference!

    These are excellent thoughts that I’m writing down to say I can use them every morning.

    I really appreciate your post, superbly done. I look forward to reading more of your content!

    • Hi Elise?
      Thanks for the compliment. My blog is all about helping others. So many have helped me in the past and I want to pay it forward.

  5. That which is liken to more will come. That’s my go to!! I enjoyed this post.
    The beauty of sleep is all momentum stops. When we wake up, we are
    starting new and fresh. It’s a beautiful thing.
    I spent 3 months with a headache. I would tell my family “You know my headache
    is gone when I’m dancing in the kitchen to Shakira.” That day came thank goodness.
    Dancing is such a sign of feeling good.

    Refreshing read!

  6. I like this post. It makes you feel like you can change for the better. Good job. The post is very positive and has a good vibe to it. To practice these steps daily will change a person’s mindset definitely. Thank you

    • Hi Chantelle,
      That’s right. You cannot expect things to change until we change within. Until this happens, we will always get the same results and see life as the same. It doesn’t happen immediately, but with practice it does happen.


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