
What is the Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0: A Review

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If you found this review, then you are wondering about Natalie Ledwell’s Ulimate Success Masterclass. So, What is the Ultimate Success Masterclass and is it worth the money to enroll? By the end of this post, you will be able to answer this question and find out a lot more.

The Ultimate Success Masterclass is an online classroom created by Natalie Ledwell. She is the creator of the MindMovies program that I wrote about in this earlier post that you can check out right here.

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Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0

USM 2.0 is a 12-week interactive coaching program that helps students reach personal self-development goals. The student learns how to reach these goals using proven techniques that guide them through the processes and teaches them how to use them to eliminate limiting beliefs from his or her core belief system.

Natalie Ledwell Book

Students of the USM learn at his or her own pace. Once you pay for the class, it is yours to keep for life with no monthly membership cost or any need to pay for updated material.

How Does the Ultimate Success Masterclass Work?

Even though the pace is set by the student, the program is a highly-interactive program that sends students weekly reminders to help them stay on task by email, phone, and text. Once you join, you are even assigned a buddy from class to help you stay accountable. Keep up with the class and you will be on your way to success in any self-development goal you may have.

The USM contains videos and audio trainings across 12 modules. Each training comes with downloadable worksheets, mastery exercises, and additional bonuses to help further enhance the student’s learning.

The 12 modules are:

  • – Module 1: Create a Positive Vibration
  • – Module 2: Set a Clear Intention
  • – Module 3: Create Empowering Affirmations
  • – Module 4: Activate the LOA
  • – Module 5: Take Inspired Action
  • – Module 6: Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs
  • – Module 7: Define Your Core Values
  • – Module 8: Find Your Passions
  • – Module 9: Break Through Your Challenges
  • – Module 10: Use Your Thoughts & Language for Success
  • – Module 11: Stay Connected to Source
  • – Module 12: Put It All Together

USM 2.0 Has Bonus Benefits

Not only is the Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0 an interactive classroom, it is also a mastermind group. When I mentionedUltimate Success Mastermind Gift that it is interactive, I am also talking about when you sign-up, you are joining community of people with the same goals of self-development. Students get to interact with each other for life once they pay the membership fee. This is one of my favorite parts about the program.

I love to learn, but learning is so much more fun when you are getting to do it in groups. You can bounce ideas, share success, and feel like part of something big when you have a group of people working with you. Natalie calls this group the USM MasterMind and that is exactly what it is.

The other part I like the most is being able to have personal access to the creator of the program, Natalie Ledwell. She provides weekly tele-seminar calls and anytime you need her, she is just a click or email away. Natalie is your coach when you join the class and she truly cares about helping as many people as she can, including her students like you and me.

Who is Natalie Ledwell?

Natalie Ledwell is a serial entrepreneur and a life-long student of self-development. She created the successful MindMovies program in 2008 along with the help of her partner, Glen. Her goal in life is to help 10 million people find the success they are looking for in any aspect of his or her life.

So far, she has helped over 2 million people with her MindMovie business and she hopes to add more people to this goal through the USM classroom and through her re-vamped MindMovie 4.0 system.

Natalie Ledwell Quiz

How Much Does the Ultimate Success Masterclass Cost?

This is one of the parts that helped me make my decision about this program. I wasn’t to sure if this was for me because normally when I come across a program like this, they want a heck of a lot of money for it. I admit, when I first saw the price I was set back a little.

It is $477 to join the masterclass for life. It sounded like a lot to me, even though I knew that I had seen other classes that offered a lot less by people not as well-known as Natalie that goes for thousands more than $477. But, Natalie really wants to help others, so she didn’t stop here.

She decided to make the class even more affordable by offering different ways to pay for the class. If you cannot afford the one-time price, then there is a payment option. This option cost a little more, but you can pay $109 and some change a month for five months.

The third way you can pay for the program is to sign-up for PayPal credit and pay it off in 6 payments with no money down. You can use any of these three ways to pay for your class and you get a 90-day money back guarantee.

Do I Recommend the Ultimate Success Masterclass?

Yes, I do, but I am bias because I have been following Natalie Ledwell since 2008. When she first released MindMovies, I was one of the first people to sign-up for them and I achieved some great results with them. I know that she truly cares about people and the success they desire.

Natalie is an over-achiever and because I know this, I trust that the USM is going to over-deliver on the promises that Natalie makes to her students.

My favorite part about the USM is the fact that you are joining a community Mastermind. Mastermind groups are the best way to learn, hold accountability, and grow in any field or subject. You are the average of the five people you hang out with the most. This is true and when you join a mastermind, you become the average of the mastermind group you join.

Natalie Ledwell loves to over deliver, so I cannot send you directly to the sigh-up page. Instead she welcomes everyone interested in the program to watch her video on How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs where she gives you some great tips and tell you more about the program. Sign-up for her video by using the link below.

==>Sign-up for the Free “How to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs” Webinar by Clicking Here<==

If you take Natalie up on her offer, then welcome to the mastermind. If you still have questions then please watch the video by clicking the link above. You will not be let by down by her and her special guest.

==>I would love to hear your experiences, questions, and thoughts about this subject, so please feel free to leave a comment below. I normally respond within 24 hours. Feel free to share this information with anyone you think will benefit from it. Talk with you later, Greg<==

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4 thoughts on “What is the Ultimate Success Masterclass 2.0: A Review”

  1. Thanks for this informative post. This sounds like something I’d like to try! I love the fact that you can become a part of a community by joining the programme. Will definetely consider:)

    • Hi ?
      Those are my thoughts too. Joining a community helps me feel like I am not the only one going through the training. It allows me to interact with others and provides accountability.
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

    • HI Natalie,
      I hope that I provided enough information for you to make the great decision to join this program if you are interested in making positive changes to your life.


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