
Week 4 Review of Manifestation Magic by Alexander Wilson

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I have been using the Manifestation Magic program for four weeks now. This amount of time has allowed me to go through the Special Bonus package that I purchased and try out the meditations every day over the past four weeks.

My Experience with Manifestation Magic

I have been writing a few post over the past 30-days journaling my experience. You can read the first post here where IManifestation Works Like Magic explain what Manifestation Magic is, the different program levels to choose from, and my expected outcomes.

The second post is more in depth and you can check it out here. This post, I get to share what I had witnessed and experienced over the first 2 weeks of using the program.

I can truthfully say that I have had nothing but great success with the meditations. The only thing that didn’t live up to the hype was in the introduction/sales video that said you will manifest $10,000 within 24-hours.

Maybe I didn’t carry enough belief in the statement and allow it to come true. I believe that the main reason is because, like many LoA teachers, the program misuses the word, “Manifestation”.

You can read about what manifestation truly is by reading this earlier post. See, manifestation simply means to become aware. Manifestation does not mean to create something from nothing. That is a different term that you can learn about and how to use in the post linked above.

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What Good Has Come My Way?

Since I began using the meditations offered through the program; I have received high paying job offers, been more in tuned to learning about manifestation, became more aware of investment opportunities, and I sleep better.

This list is all the great things that I have experienced since I purchased the program. Each morning, I awake to thoughts that are leading me to a life filled with more happiness and opportunity.

I believe the same could happen for you. You may not receive a large unexpected check in the mail, but you can change your thoughts and vibration to help you discover new ways to increase your income.

Noticing all the great opportunities already in your life is the true definition of manifest. Because of this and the effects I have experienced, I believe this program lives up to its name.

Manifestation Magic Purchase

Is the Program Worth the Cost?Manifesting Magic Twilight Transformation Meditation

This program is not very expensive. It cost me less than $50 and it comes with many hours of guided meditations and a great app that allows you to take the meditations with you.

There were some complications to get the app to work, but the support team behind the scenes was able to help me get it going within 24 hours.

I give the support help a 10 in ranking, but since I needed their help for the app, the app only gets an 8 in my opinion.

One great thing about the app is the ability to put the tracks on loop. This made it easy to listen to the tracks all night long while I slept. I did not do this every night, but some nights I did.

The twilight transformation track is the one I used the most. In the Special Bonus package there are two versions of this track.

The second version, only found on the app, is extended from 22 minutes to 48 minutes and you do not need headphones to experience the effects. You can just play this one out loud at a low volume while you sleep. This is the track I put on loop and fell asleep listening to many of the nights.

Do I Recommend You Purchase This Program?

Something GreatI believe there is a lot of potential from purchasing this program. The basic package is limited to about four meditations. These meditations are great for use right before bed and during the day to help your subconscious stay in alignment and for activating you reticular activating system (RAS) to help you notice opportunities throughout your day. You can read more about your RAS in this earlier post.

The Special Bonus package contains 23 mediation tracks that help you in many more ways than just activating your RAS. There are extended versions of the basic program meditations, sleep aid meditations, and meditations geared toward aligning your Chakras. For a few dollars more, you get a lot more. I think the Special Bonus package is the best way to go for your money.

What to Expect When You Buy

Like I mentioned many times throughout my review posts about this program, I wouldn’t expect to get a large amount of money the day after you listen to any of these audios. The reviews say that some people have, and it might be true, but it did not work out this way for me.

What you should expect is after using these audios every day for a week, you might notice little subtle changes to what youI Am Grateful of Manifestation pay attention to in your daily life. After a couple of weeks of listening to these audios, you will start to shift the way you think and begin to notice the many different ways to use the money you already have to make more money from it.


I do believe that the program is priced at a point that allows people to try it out. It has a great money-back guarantee backed by Clickbank that allows you peace of mind when trying out the system. The amount of guided meditations and audios that you get in the Special Bonus package is worth more than the cost of the program. You did get your moneys worth when you buy the second package, but I would avoid buying the basic package.

The Platinum package may be too advanced for most people. There is so much to experience in the Special Bonus package that can keep you busy for many months. The Platinum package contains even more and I did not get a chance to try out the coaching, so I have no opinion about that part. Still, it might be nice to have a personal meditation made. You get this opportunity when you purchase the Platinum package.

If you decide to go with the Platinum package, then please come back to this post and let us know in the comments what you think of the advanced package.

==>I would love to hear your experiences, questions, and thoughts about this subject, so please feel free to leave a comment below. I normally respond within 24 hours. Feel free to share this information with anyone you think will benefit from it. Talk with you later, Greg<==

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